Satellite Veterinarian Hospital For Sale Near Winston Salem NC

Location: Winston Salem, North Carolina Area
Revenue: $225,000
Exam/Surgery Rooms: 2
Active Patient Count: 1200

Type of Hospital: General, Small Animal, Feline, Surgery, Dentistry

    • Sale of Hospital
Agent: Neal McFadden

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We have a small Clinic 20 min outside Winston Salem, NC.  We are in a leased building that is transferrable to another owner.  We are month to month and the new owner might want to relocate the Hospital to a larger, nicer facility.  We have 2 exam rooms - - a Wet table in a separate room for dental - We have 1 large surgery suite - 10 cages.  We have no runs and do no boarding or grooming - strictly a "out-patient care clinic".  We use Avermark s/w - an older version.  We have no lab contracts and use an Abexis lab. We have a phosphor plate digital system.  We have a small team - - 1 tech and 1 Front Desk.  We do no marketing - just word of mouth.  We are a basic general Vet practice and we do no speciality services.  The owner will work for a new owner if desired.

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