
Small Hospital For Sale in Thomasville, North Carolina

Location: Thomasville, North Carolina
Revenue: $425,000
Exam/Surgery Rooms: 2
Active Patient Count: 1800

Type of Hospital: General, Small Animal, Feline, Surgery, Dentistry, Boarding, Emergency

    • Sale of Hospital
Agent: Neal McFadden

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We have a well established Hospital in Thomasville, NC.  We have practiced for 50 years.  Our location in a stand alone building with plenty of cages and runs.  Our Vet would like to retire and is willing to help the transition.  The hospital is open 5 days per week but the doctor is only working for 3 days per week.  We are collecting over $400,000 in 3 days per week. This is a great opportunity for a young Veterinarian to have their own hospital and grow the business.

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