Small Vet Hospital for Sale Near Columbia, SC

Location: Columbia, South Carolina
Revenue: $370,000
Exam/Surgery Rooms: 3
Active Patient Count: 1600

Type of Hospital: General, Small Animal, Feline, Surgery, Dentistry, Boarding, Emergency, Other

    • Sale of Hospital
Agent: Neal McFadden

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We have a small Hospital about 25 min from Columbia, SC.  We are small animal and roughly 10-12% exotics.  Due to a heath situation our doctor has to sell.  They have been ill for the past 3 years and can only work so fast.  They work 22 hours per week to produce $360-$370k per year.  There are a lot of patients and can grow even more; however, our doctor does not have the energy to handle all of them.  We have a good team that would love to work with a new Veterinarian and help them be as busy as possible.  We have 3 species specific exam rooms.  We have 1 surgical suite, x-ray room, a clinical trial room.  We have 9 runs, an isolation room and boarding area. Our Real Estate is for sale as well.

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