
Small Hospital For Sale in the Heart of Charlotte, North Carolina

Location: Charlotte, North Carolina
Revenue: $340,000
Exam/Surgery Rooms: 3
Active Patient Count: 1000

Type of Hospital: General, Small Animal, Surgery, Dentistry

    • Sale of Hospital
Agent: Neal McFadden

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Unique opportunity to purchase a profitable Veterinarian practice generating $340,000 in annual income with the property. The building is in a high traffic area on Park Road, minutes from Park Road Shopping Center and South Park. Per the Chamber of Commerce, the zipcode is one of the fastest growing and top ranking in income per household. This opportunity presents a high upside for an owner occupant, the current owner generates a high income only working 20 hours per week After building his solo practice, Dr. Thomann is ready to hand it over to a new, eager doctor, looking to start their own practice. Excellent opportunity for new graduates or a doctor looking to branch out on their own, as the facility is already established with tremendous potential for growth. All major equipment included Newly remodeled brick facility Covered front entrance, reception area, lab/exam room, surgery room, grooming room, 8 kennels, and breakroom

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