
Animal Hospital For Sale Near Greensboro, North Carolina

Location: Greensboro, North Carolina
Revenue: $1,100,000
Exam/Surgery Rooms: 4
Active Patient Count: 4000

Type of Hospital: General, Small Animal, Feline, Surgery, Dentistry, Boarding, Grooming, Other

    • Sale of Hospital
Agent: Neal McFadden

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We are a bread and butter veterinarian clinic located on a busy thoroughfare near Greensboro, NC.  We are open 5.5 days per week.  The selling Doctor would love to work for a new Veterinarian on a part time basis.  There are currently 2 Vets that work 3 days per week each and one part time Vet that works 2.5 days.  The potential growth in this hospital is huge as the community is growing and demand is at a high.  Our staff is trained and willing to support a new owner.  We do grooming and boarding.  We have a surgery suite along with 2 wet tables and another table for surgeries.  We have been in a growth mode for a few years.  We have a large facility - roughly 5,000 sq. ft -  #,500 downstairs and an upstairs that is unfinished but very large. We are seeking a good Vet match for our hospital.

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